Page 28 - TOEFL_Basic-1
P. 28
Getting Ready to Speak
A. Learn the words.
move away to go to another place
cheap In마e xpens lve
freedom liberty; the state of being free
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motivated wanting or ready to do something
independent free to make one’s own decisions
flexible adaptable
responsible answerable; accountable
immediately without delay; right away
n B. Listen to the first part of a conversation. Then answer the questions. I헬훤
1. What are the students discussing?
The students are discussing
2. What reasons does the student give for staying at home?
The student
3. What do you think the rest of the conversation will be about?
I think the rest of the conversation will be about
4. What do you think the student should do?
I think the student should
률 톨 Now practice the questions and answers with a partneι
n c. Listen and 때eat. 뭘훨렐
UNIT 3 Integrated 39