Page 20 - PowerE-L03-F
P. 20
Lesson 5
Back in high school, I joined the sport fest which
is done annually. I auditioned for the part of a
cheerleader. One of the judges told me to do a mid-
air split. I was overconfident that I can do the stunt
easily because I have a background in ballet and
I am a member of our school’s dance group. But it
was a very inopportune time to have my amoebiasis
acting up. As I was lifted high into the air and spread
my legs, I released a very loud Poottt! Everybody
heard that I farted. I could have died because of
embarrassment. Good thing though, I still made it
into the squad.
Conjunction - word used to connect other words or group of words is
called a conjunction.
Example: because, and, as, and but
► I looked for Justine, but I could not find her.
► Her friend and she went mountain hiking.
Questions Keywords
1. Have you been embarrassed in a public before? fart / squad / audition
2. How do you handle embarrassment?
3. What causes you to feel embarrassed?
4. Would you laugh at somebody who’s in an embarrassing situation?
Why or why not?
5. Do you get red when embarrassed? Vocabulary & Expressions
Acting up - not working right, giving
pain or problems
Amoebiasis - infection caused by
Sample Answers ameoeba
Get red in the face - to blush
1. Yes, I was walking in the street when I trip over a fallen branch.
2. I handle it with grace. I act as if nothing happened and say sorry if I
unintentionally hurt somebody.
3. I feel embarrassed the most when I look stupid to other people.
4. Of course not. Laughing at somebody’s blunder is rude.
5. Yes, it’s a natural body reaction.