Page 21 - PowerE-L03-F
P. 21


                   Choose the synonym for the given set of words.

                   1.   test, trial, try out
                          a. audition
                          b. disqualify
                          c. pass

                   2.   trick, number, act
                          a. stump

                          b. stint
                          c. stunt
                   3.   too proud, full of oneself, arrogant
                          a. overconfident
                          b. shy

                          c. scared
                   4.   unfortunate, untimely

                          a. lucky
                          b. good time
                          c. inopportune
                   5.   humiliation, discomfort
                          a. pride

                          b. honor
                          c. embarrassment


                   Tell whether the underlined word in the sentence is a direct or
                   indirect object.

                   1. The mayor told the truth.

                   2. Father fed the cows with fodder.

                   3. She did not distribute the papers.

                   4. Lorry gave Ben a new shirt.

                   5. Do you have information about her whereabouts?

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