Page 23 - TOIEC-Advanced-Part-1
P. 23

TOIEC Speaking
       Part 1 6

        Credit card users around the globe nowadays / are

        growing in numbers so fast. ↘ //

        Instead of spending cash at hand,/ it is more

        convenient / and economical / to use this electronic

        card / in shopping and having a vacation. ↘ //

        Although, / some credit card companies and banks /

        that have the most consumer-friendly practices / have

        changed / and started punishing their customers

        unfairly. ↘ //

        There have been many complaints about high

        interest rates, / for those who cannot control the use

        of credit cards / and also for those / who don't pay

        their bills. ↘ //

        But if you have a good credit history / then you should

        get a good / and fair rate. ↘ //
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