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               Giving Up Is a Bad Habit

             4  There’s another important reason to confront challenges.
               Backing down can become a habit—not the good kind,
               like flossing or making your bed, but the bad kind, like
               biting your nails. It’s tempting to think giving up “just this
               once” is no big deal, but when you do, it’s easier to give up

               the next time.

             5     Instead of giving up, be dauntless. Tell yourself you
               won’t quit no matter what. Tell yourself the task is
               worth doing. Tell yourself you can do it with focus

               and dedication. Think about how good you’ll feel if
               you achieve your goal, and picture that success in
               your mind.

               Challenge Yourself to Grow

             6  It’s important to keep something else in mind, too. Success won’t always be the
               outcome. Sometimes we try our best and still fail to achieve a goal. Believe it or

               not, that’s another reason to persist when you face challenges. Failure helps you
               learn and grow and get stronger, maybe even more than success does! When
               you fail at a challenge, what matters is trying again. Keep in mind that others
               value your efforts, no matter what the outcome—and you should, too.

             7     Working hard and not giving up teaches you courage. The more courage you
               have, the more you believe in yourself, and that leads to success! So whatever
               you do, keep on going. Rise to the next challenge. There’s no stopping you!

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