Page 7 - PowerE-L05-B
P. 7
Reading Comprehension
Answer each question from the given choices.
1. What drives the narrator crazy while loading pages?
A. waiting for colorful and animated pages to load
B. waiting for the computer to boot
C. waiting for an answer
2. What is the narrator’s bandwidth?
A. 56 kbps modem
B. 60 kbps modem
C. 70 kbps modem
3. What does he want to tell the web designers?
A. Give the option to choose what kind of pages to load
B. Give no option in choosing the kind of pages to load
C. Deprive him the option of choosing pages
4. What does he need?
A. a simple text file
B. a lot of files
C. multiple text files
5. What annoys him while browsing?
A. those pop ups and rollovers
B. those pop music and rock and roll
C. those funny emoticons