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Point    FTA가 체결되기까지 수많은 찬반 논쟁이 일어났고 지금까지도 많은 불만들
           UNIT                    FTA                                                              이 쏟아져 나오고 있죠. 시장이 확대되어 비교 우위에 있는 상품의 수출과 투자가 촉진
           1                       찬반 논쟁: 자유무역협정 FTA                                                생할 수 있는 단점이 지적되고 있습니다.
                                                                                                    되는 장점이 있으나 대상국에 비해 경쟁력이 낮은 산업은 문을 닫아야 하는 상황이 발

                                                                                                 Part 1                              General Discussion
                                                                                                                                      Part 2
         Read & Discuss                                                                          Topic Discussion                    Relationships Between Countries

                                            is a type of regional trade agreement
                    A free trade agreement
              that exempts participating parties from tariffs while applying tariffs against     1.      What does FTA stand for? When was  1.      What do you think about the presence
         non-party nations. Since the first conclusion of an FTA in the 1950s, the number of     the first conclusion of an FTA?      of U.S forces in Korea? Do you think U.S
       trade agreements among nations around the world has continuously increased. As of                                              forces are necessary for our national
       March 2006, a total of 124 FTAs were in force.                                                                                 security?
       The reasons behind the expansion of FTAs around the globe are linked to both a
       change in attitude from the United States, which is an influential global economic
       power, and the limitations of the World Trade Organization  (WTO) . First of all, the 10s   2.   What are the reasons behind the  2.   What conflicts are going on around the

       saw the U.S. warm to FTAs, and this shift in policy caused a ripple effect across the     expansion of FTAs?                   world? What could be the solutions?
       globe. Secondly, while negotiations between countries take very long under the WTO
       multi-party trade system due to the large number of member countries, negotiations
       under FTAs are generally less complicated and take a shorter time to complete, which
       is why many countries prefer them.
       For consumers, FTAs offer the chance to purchase cheaper imported goods. At a           3.   What are the advantages of FTAs for  3.   Do you wish for the reunification of

       corporate or governmental level, imported raw materials and machine parts are             both consumers and corporate or      South and North Korea? Why or why
       available at lower prices. The opportunity to attract foreign investment and the          government organizations?            not?
       transference of advanced technology are also advantages that present themselves. In
       addition, fiercer competition between international companies can serve as a catalyst
       for technological advancement and the enhancement of product quality.
       However, the disadvantages of FTAs cannot be overlooked. When imported goods
       are priced lower than domestic products, domestic producers suffer. Mexico is a

       prime example of the consequences of having too heavy reliance upon FTAs. It has        4.   What are the disadvantages of FTAs?  4.   What country do you think is the most
       implemented FTAs with more countries than any other nation, and after the 1994            What happened to Mexico after the    powerful in the world? What do you
       North American FTA, many of its domestic industries collapsed. For example, the           1994 North American FTA?             think we need to do to be one of the
       Mexican movie industry used to produce an average of 100 movies per year prior to                                              most powerful countries in the world?
       the abolishment of the screen quota system under the North American FTA, but only
       4 movies were produced in 1995.
       Although countries like Mexico are experiencing difficulties in some areas due to FTAs,
       many countries are still making efforts to conclude new ones. Only the economic
       outcomes of the coming decades will reveal whether FTAs have any real benefits.

       54  Speaking EX                                                                                                                                  Business & Economy  55

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