Page 16 - New_TEN_English-2
P. 16

Skill 18-A    You look busy.                                                                                                        LEVEL 2

                                                                                  A. Complete the conversations. (Both answers are correct.).
                                                                                  모두 맞는 두 답을 하나씩 선택하여 대답해 보세요.

                                                                                  1. A: I’m so stressed out. I’m going to cancel the appointment.
                                                                                    B: Yeah, you look really stressed. / Are you going to cancel it? Really?

                                                                                  2. A: We’re going camping on Saturday.
                                                                                    B: I’d like to join. / That sounds fun. I’d like to join, if it’s OK.

                                                                                  B. Practice with your teacher using the given expressions. Also fill in the blanks with your
                                                                                  own answer.
                                                                                  주어진 표현 및 빈칸을 채워 대화를 연습해 보세요.
          1. A: Where can I get some beer at this time of the day?
           B: There’s a convenience store across the street.
                                                                                  1. envelopes / a stationery store -      /             .
                                                                                    A: Sara, where can I buy envelopes?
          2. A: Do you want some dessert? What about some ice cream?                B: There is a stationery store across the street.
           B: Thanks, but I’m full.
                                                                                  2. bored / sleepy - -         /             .
          3. A: You look busy, Ross. Should I come back later?                      A: What are you doing? You look bored.
           B: I’d appreciate that.
                                                                                    B: I’m sleepy..
          4. A: I’m going to see a doctor about this cold.
           B: I think that’s a good idea. And get some rest.                       C. Complete the conversations by re-arranging the words in parenthesis. Make sure to replace
                                                                                   the underlined word/phrase with the correct expression.
          5. A: British Airways. May I help you?                                   괄호안의 단어를 알맞게 조합하여 선생님과 대화를 나누어 보세요.
           B: Yes. I’d like to reconfirm my flight.
                                                                                   1. A: I remember that I need to buy a dress for the party.
          What is the point of this lesson? Listen to your teacher.                B: _______________________.
           이 과의 포인트는 무엇인가요? 선생님의 설명을 들어 보세요.                                           (point to | boutique | two blocks | a new | from here)

                                                                                   2. A: I’m not feeling well.
              [There sentence]             •There is/are…                           B: Yeah. I noticed that you look under the weather today.
              [형용사를 이어 쓰는 말머리 구문]
              •I’m…                        •You look…                               A: _________________________.
              [동사를 이어 쓰는 말머리 구문]                                                       (proceed| I am | see | the doctor)
              •I’m going to…                                              •I’d like to…
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