Page 18 - New_TEN_English-2
P. 18

Skill 19-A    How about a beer tonight?                                                                                             LEVEL 2

                                                                                  A. Give advice or ask for permission on given information. Also fill in the blanks with your
                                                                                  own answer.
                                                                                  주어진 정보를 이용하여 조언을 하거나 허락을 구해 보세요. 또한 빈칸에 여
                                                                                  러분의 대답도 넣어 말해 보세요.

                                                                                  1. You want to leave the office early.
                                                                                    → Can I go home now?                     *             .

                                                                                  2. You want your mother to help you do something.
                                                                                    → Can you help me do my assignment?      *             .

                                                                                  3. Your co-worker has a terrible headache.
          1. A: My computer broke down. Can I check my email real quick?
                                                                                    → Why don’t you go see a doctor?         *             .
           B: Sure. Be my guest.
          2. A: It’s a birthday present. Can you wrap it?
           B: Of course. Which paper do you prefer?                                B. You were finishing some office work at home, and your sister was working too. Complete the
                                                                                   dialogue and use the expressions from the lesson. You may also refer to the clues in parentheses
          3. A: It looks so heavy. Let me help you.                                as you construct your answers.
           B: That’s OK. I can manage.                                             괄호안의 문장을 이용하여 선생님과 대화를 나누어 보세요.

          4. A: How about a beer tonight?                                          1. A: Hey, Sam. I think I have to call it a night. Are you still going to work?
           B: Sounds good. Do you have any place in mind?                           B: I have to finish this report. _____________________?
                                                                                      (ask permission to use laptop longer)
          5. A: I’m not feeling well today. I have a hangover.
           B: Why don’t you go home early then?                                    2. A: Sure, no problem.
                                                                                       Do you want me to get you anything from the kitchen before I go up?
          What is the point of this lesson? Listen to your teacher.                B: _____________________? (ask for some food)
           이 과의 포인트는 무엇인가요? 선생님의 설명을 들어 보세요.
                                                                                   3. After giving you’re the food…
                                                                                    A: Do you still need any help for your report?
              [Asking for a favor or giving an excuse]                              B: I can manage. Thanks! _____________________?
              •Can you…?                     •Let me…                    •Can I…?     (suggest the he get some sleep already)
              •How about?                   •Why don’t you..?
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