Page 19 - New_TEN_English-2
P. 19

Skill 19-B    You don’t have to leave a tip.                                                                                        LEVEL 2

                                                                                  A. Match to complete the conversations.
                                                                                  서로 관련된 표현을 이어 대화를 완성하세요.

                                                                                  1. I’m worrying about the     •           •       You don’t have to.
                                                                                    contract with G-mart.
                                                                                  2. Should I take off my shoes   •           •       I think you should get some
                                                                                    before entering the room?             advice.
                                                                                  3. Have you ever done any     •           •       I’ve been there.
                                                                                    volunteer work?
                                                                                  4. Have you ever been to China?   •           •      No, I haven’t..

                                                                                  B. What would you say in each situation? Also fill in the blanks with your own answer.
                                                                                  다음과 같은 상황에서 어떻게 말하나요? 또한 빈칸에 여러분의 대답도 넣어
          1. A: You look unhealthy. I think you should start exercising.
           B: I know, but it’s difficult to start.                                말해 보세요.

          2. A: Should I leave a tip on the table?                                1. Your friend is really sick while in class.
           B: You don’t have to leave a tip. It’s included.                         A: I think you should take medicine.   *             .
                                                                                    B: OK.
          3. A: Have you ever donated blood?
           B: No, I haven’t. Just the thought of it makes me feel sick!           2. You want to know if your teacher has ever been to other countries.
                                                                                    A: Have you ever been to Korea?                         *   .
          4. A: I’ve never been abroad. How about you?                              B: Yes.
           B: Well, I’ve been to Turkey for my honeymoon.
                                                                                   C. You just got back from vacation. Complete the dialogue and use the expressions from the
          What is the point of this lesson? Listen to your teacher.               lesson. You may also refer to the clues in parentheses as you construct your answers.
           이 과의 포인트는 무엇인가요? 선생님의 설명을 들어 보세요.                                       괄호안의 문장을 이용하여 선생님과 대화를 나누어 보세요.
                                                                                   1. A: How was your vacation, Kelly?
                                                                                    B: It was amazing! _____________________. (mention the place you visited)

              [Suggesting]                                                         2. A: I’m planning to go there, too! Any suggestions on where to go or what to do?
              •I think you should…                      •You don’t have to…         B: _____________________. (give suggestions)
              [Talking about experiences]
              •Have you…?            •I’ve been to…
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