Page 118 - Buyer_Reception
P. 118


                  A. Complete the sentences using the given expressions or words.

                  1. Brown   This place makes me want to buy everything I see.
                    Kim     Well, we have enough time, so 천천히 둘러보는 게 어때요? (browse)
                  2. Brown   Let's go over by the camera section first.
                    Kim        저기 있는 저 카메라 어때요? (how do you like...?)
                  3. Brown   Hmm. It looks fine, but it's not really what I want.
                    Kim          I see. Well, there are still plenty to check out. 마음에 드는 것이 눈
                            에 띄면 바로 말씀해 주세요. (spot one you like)
                  4. Brown     Oh, look at the ones in that display case. I really like the design
                            of them.
                    Kim        Me too, but, 가격대는 어느 정도로 생각하세요? (price range)
                    Brown     Anything that's not too expensive. Say, around $350 or so
                            would be fine.

                  B.  You're with a foreigner at Yong-san. Help him buy an MP4 player.
                     ● 	Why don't we browse a bit?
                     ● 	How do you like that ... right there?
                     ● 	Let me know if you spot one you like.
                     ● 	Do you have a price range?

                   You     Here's Yong-san Electronics Market.
                   Brown  ...

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