Page 127 - G5.1_M1-5
P. 127

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                         King Bartholomew bans Spring, only to realize

                         that he has shown disrespect for Mother
                         Nature, upset the cycles of the seasons, and

                         destroyed the food supply.

                         Production Notes
                         CHARACTERS: 3 male, 6 female, 9 male or female; as many male and
                         female as desired for jury. (Actors may also play more than one role with
                         a change of costume.)
                         PLAYING TIME: 15 minutes

                         COSTUMES: The King wears pajamas, a small crown, and dressing gown
                         at the end of the play. The members of his court wear the traditional
                         costumes of fairy tale courts. Mother Nature’s Court has headpieces
                         suggesting their separate characterizations. Judge Wise Owl wears long
                         black robe and glasses. Spring wears long white gown and a garland of
                         flowers in her hair, and the word “Spring” on a sash across her chest.

                         PROPERTIES: Tray with spoon, dishes, medicine, Judge’s bench, gavel,
                         witness box, piece of paper for Prime Minister’s report.

                         SETTING: King’s bedroom. Down right is a door leading to castle
                         interior. A large “French door” type window is at left. At center is a large
                         bed with many pillows and quilts on it. Near the bed are a night table
                         and a bell cord.

                         LIGHTING: Lights are dimmed for dream sequence and brought up full
                         again as indicated in the text.
                         SOUND: Bell tolling six times.

                           witness  A witness is someone who appears in court to say what he or she knows about
                           a crime.

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