Page 10 - News_Speech-Science
P. 10

ModeL aNswer   자신의 답이 맞는지 확인해 보세요.

        Short        Q     Could you tell me what this passage is mainly about?
        TALK         A     It is mainly about a recent study showing that genes

                           determine people’s happiness.
                     Q     What kind of findings did the scientists report about the
                           happy gene?
                     A     The scientists reported that people who are born with the
                           longer happy gene, called the 5-HTT gene, feel happier.

                     Q     According to the study, what form of the happy gene makes
                           people feel happiest?
                     A     Normally, people with two longer types of the happy gene
                           feel the happiest.

        Long         도입  In fact, I think both factors matter greatly.
        TALK         근거1  First, people’s general attitude can significantly affect how

                           they live their life. Optimistic people look for the good in
                           a situation while pessimistic people focus on the negative
                           aspects of a situation.
                     근거2  Second, the importance of environment cannot be ignored.
                           A person whose life is filled with tragedy and disaster is
                           much less likely to find happiness than someone without
                           those problems.
                     마무리 Therefore, both of these factors heavily influence a person’s
                           level of happiness.

                           사실 두 요인 모두 많이 중요하다고 생각합니다.
                           첫째로, 사람들의 전반적인 태도는 삶을 살아가는 방식에 큰 영향을 미칠 수
                           있습니다. 긍정적인 사람들은 어떤 상황에서 좋은 점을 찾는 반면, 비관적인
                           사람들은 상황의 부정적인 면에 중점을 두죠.
                           둘째로, 환경의 중요성도 간과할 수 없습니다. 비극과 불행으로 가득 찬 삶을
                           살아가는 사람들은 그런 어려움이 없는 사람들에 비해 행복을 찾을 확률이 훨씬
                           적을 테니까요.
                           따라서, 이 두 요인 모두 사람들의 행복 수준에 크게 영향을 미칩니다.

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