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TOPIC 02  시험을 보면 학습 효과가 높다
        study finds

        Students Benefit from Testing

        시험과 학습 효과의 상관관계를 조사한 연구 결과에 대한 뉴스입니다. 연구가 어떤 방식으로 진행되었는지
        잘 들어보고, 시험에 대한 자신의 생각을 말해 보세요.

        Pre-study               To research the effects of various styles of studying,
                             200 college students were divided into four groups.
        뉴스 내용을 잘 듣고,
        따라 읽어 보세요.           One group read the text for five minutes. Another group
                             studied the reading material for five minutes at a time,
        뉴스 듣기
                             four times. The third group rearranged the information
                             into a diagram after reading. The fourth group read the
                             text, wrote about the material for 10 minutes, and took a
                                One week later, the students in each of the four
                             groups took a short-answer test about the material.
                             The research found that students from the fourth group
                             retained 50 percent more information than the other
                             groups. This suggests that test-taking itself can improve

       •benefit from
         ~에서 이득을 얻다
       •be divided into
         ~로 나뉘다
       •material 자료, 재료
       •at a time 한 번에
       •rearrange 재배열하다
       •diagram 도표
       •take a test 시험을 보다
       •short-answer test
         단답형 시험
       •retain 기억하다, 유지하다
       •suggest 시사하다, 암시하다
       •performance 성과, 실적
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