Page 17 - News_Speech-Science
P. 17

MaIN-study   전화영어 선생님과 함께 뉴스 내용을 이야기해 보세요.

            Get           Answer the questions briefly.
                          Q1  Which do you prefer between dogs and cats?
                          Q2  Is there any animal you’re afraid of? If so, why?

            Short         Answer the questions using the hints in Korean.
                          Q  Could you tell me what this passage is mainly about?
                          A  It is mainly about new findings showing that
                             개와 고양이가 물을 마시는 방식은 같다, unlike the general belief.

                          Q  What do both dogs and cats use when they drink water?
                          A  They both use ridges on their tongues,
                             표면에서 물을 마시는 것을 가능하게 해준다
                          Q  What made people assume that dogs and cats drink water
                             in different ways?
                          A  Dogs 혀를 물 속으로 더 깊이 넣는다, so it looks like they are
                             scooping the water, spilling some all over the place.

            Long          Express your ideas using the mind map in Korean.

                          Q  Some people think that it’s worth spending money taking
                             care of stray and abandoned pets. But others say that helping
                             people in need should be a top priority. What do you think?

                                     근거1            사람이             근거2
                                노숙자들이 너무 많다         우선이다      동물은 스스로 돌볼 수 있다

                          A   도입   Even though I feel sorry for stray and abandoned pets,
                                   I agree that
                             근거1   First,
                             근거2  Second,
                             마무리  Thus, I believe that

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