Page 21 - News_Speech-Science
P. 21
MaIN-study 전화영어 선생님과 함께 뉴스 내용을 이야기해 보세요.
Get Answer the questions briefly.
Q1 Do you wash your bellybutton when taking a shower?
Q2 Do you go for regular medical check-ups?
Short Answer the questions using the hints in Korean.
Q Could you tell me what this passage is mainly about?
A It is mainly about a study showing that the human bellybutton
엄청나게 많은 박테리아의 서식지이다
Q According to the passage, what are two types of bellybuttons?
A Some people have innie bellybuttons
다른 사람들은 돌출된 배꼽을 가진 반면
Q How many kinds of bacteria were discovered during the
A Surprisingly, 1,400 종 이상의 박테리아가 발견되었다 and 500 of them
were previously unknown.
TALK Express your ideas using the mind map in Korean.
Q Is there any health problem you’re suffering from now or
you’re afraid of getting in the future? What do you do to treat
your illness or avoid the possibility?
허리 통증
방법1 똑바로 앉는 습관 방법2 스트레칭
개선 방법
A 도입 Unfortunately, I’m suffering from
방법1 First of all,
방법2 Second of all,
마무리 Through these methods,