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TOPIC 04 배꼽은 박테리아의 천국
Bellybutton Is Paradise
for Bacteria
사람의 배꼽 안에 수많은 정체불명의 박테리아가 살고 있다는 연구 결과가 발표되었습니다. 배꼽에서
발견된 박테리아의 종류가 몇 개나 되는지 잘 들어 보세요.
Pre-study Navel, umbilicus, bellybutton—these are all names
for the small scar on your stomach. We all have
뉴스 내용을 잘 듣고,
따라 읽어 보세요. bellybuttons, but every bellybutton is different. For
example, some are ‘innies,’ and some are ‘outies.’
뉴스 듣기
Amazingly, our bellybuttons have a unique mix of
bacteria inside.
Recently, scientists in the United States decided
to study bellybuttons. They started the Bellybutton
Biodiversity Project. The scientists studied bacteria
samples from hundreds of bellybuttons. By the end of
the project, they had found more than 1,400 types of
bacteria, 500 of which were previously unidentified.
배꼽 (= navel, umbilicus)
•scar 상처, 흉터
•stomach 배, 복부, 위
안으로 들어간 배꼽 (↔ outie)
•amazingly 놀랍게도
•biodiversity 생물 다양성
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