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TOPIC 03 개와 고양이, 물 마시는 방법 똑같아
Dogs Drink
like Cats
많은 사람들의 생각과 달리 개와 고양이가 물을 마시는 방법은 동일하다고 합니다. 지금까지 개와 고양이가
물을 마시는 방법이 달라 보였던 이유는 무엇인지 잘 들어 보세요.
Pre-study Previously, researchers thought dogs used a very
different technique when drinking because, unlike
뉴스 내용을 잘 듣고,
따라 읽어 보세요. cats, they tend to spill water everywhere when they
drink. This was also a common belief among many
뉴스 듣기
dog owners. However, according to zoologist Alfred
Crompton from Harvard University, dogs and cats drink
in the same way.
The only major difference is that dogs are messier.
Crompton said that it looks like a dog’s tongue works
in a scooping motion to drink water because it puts its
tongue deeper into the water than a cat does. However,
both animals have ridges on their tongues that help pull
water up from the surface.
•previously 예전에
•unlike ~와는 달리
•tend to do
~하는 경향이 있다
•spill 흘리다, 쏟다
•common belief
일반적인 생각
•zoologist 동물학자
•messy 지저분한
•scoop (큰 숟가락 같은 것으로)
퍼 올리다
(길고 얇게 튀어나온) 이랑
•surface 표면