Page 22 - News_Speech-Science
P. 22
ModeL aNswer 자신의 답이 맞는지 확인해 보세요.
Short Q Could you tell me what this passage is mainly about?
TALK A It is mainly about a study showing that the human
bellybutton is home to an incredible number of bacteria.
Q According to the passage, what are two types of
A Some people have innie bellybuttons while others have
outie bellybuttons.
Q How many kinds of bacteria were discovered during the
A Surprisingly, over 1,400 types of bacteria were discovered
and 500 of them were previously unknown.
Long 도입 Unfortunately, I’m suffering from back pain. But, there are
TALK some things I do to improve my condition.
방법1 First of all, I try to sit up straight in my chair while I’m
working or studying. Having bad posture makes my back
pain worse, so I have to pay attention to the way I’m sitting.
방법2 Second of all, I do regular stretching at home before I go to
bed. This really helps to ease my pain, and my doctor says it
can prevent the problem from getting worse.
마무리 Through these methods, I can manage my back pain and
have a happier life.
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