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TOPIC 09  새에게 먹혀도 살아 있는 달팽이
        Snails Survive

        Digestion by Birds

        달팽이가 새에게 잡아 먹힌 뒤에도 살아 있는 형태로 새의 배설물에서 발견되었다는 놀라운 소식입니다.
        달팽이가 어떻게 생존할 수 있었는지 흥미로운 연구 과정을 잘 들어 보세요.

        Pre-study               Snails are very tough creatures. They have a hard
                             shell that protects them, so they can survive many
        뉴스 내용을 잘 듣고,
        따라 읽어 보세요.           things. But even scientists were surprised at what they
                             recently discovered about snails.
        뉴스 듣기
                                A group of scientists in Japan studied the Japanese
                             mejiro, a type of bird. These birds live on the island of
                             Hahajima and eat tiny land snails. The scientists studied
                             the eating habits of the mejiro and examined the birds’
                             droppings. The scientists discovered that some snails
                             can survive after being eaten by the birds. About 15%
                             of the land snails survived digestion. They were found
                             alive in the birds’ droppings.

       •snail 달팽이 (= land snail)
       •survive 살아남다, 견뎌내다
       •digestion 소화
       •tough 강한, 단단한, 억센
         생물, 생명이 있는 존재
       •shell 껍질
       •be surprised at
         ~을 보고[듣고] 놀라다
       •mejiro (일본) 동박새
       •eating habit 식습관
       •droppings (항상 복수형으로
         쓰여) 동물 및 새의 배설물
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