Page 36 - PowerE-L05-D
P. 36

Lesson  9

               Expressing Feelings

                                            Do  you  express  your  romantic  feelings  of  love  or

                                     affection?   Or   do  you  keep  them  bottled  up  inside,  but

                                     showing it non- verbally nevertheless? Are you the type who
                                     writes love letters filled with yearning emotions? Or do you

                                     keep it unsaid- expecting your love to be implied and under-
                                     stood? For many people, it’s important to show how you feel,

                                     and to talk about it with your friend, lover, or parents. Of course,
                                     words without actions are mere noise. Tender promises not

               kept are empty. This is a universal truth. But aren’t words important too, and

               wouldn’t they make a great combination with actions? Having been brought up
               to be inexpressive, many Koreans find it “not themselves” to say “I love you”.
               Of course, it doesn’t mean that these people are not affectionate, only that they

               aren’t vocal about it. I heard this story about a couple, in a car, married for 20

               years. They drove in silence. Out of the blue, the husband said,” honey, I love
               you”. Upon hearing this- the first time in 20 yearsthe wife was caught in a ter-

               rible surprise...and she hit a tree. The point is, love expressed in words  take
               on  a  great  impact  when  said  at  an  unexpected  moment, not

               frequently and predictably. On the other hand, it doesn’t hurt to say I love you
               as much as you can. In fact, it can do a world of good.


               1. According to the article, how are Koreans when it comes to expressing love?
               2. When is love expressed on a great impact?


               1. How about you? What do you think about expressing feelings?
               2. How about anger? Do you express it? Should we repress it?
               3. Talk about the good points and bad points of expressing feelings freely.

                                                 Vocabulary & Expressions
                                   Affection: fond attachment, devotion, or love
                                   Verbally: consisting of or in the form of words
                                   Yearnings: A persistent, often wistful or melancholy desire
                                   Tender: affectionate or loving
                                   Inexpensive: not expensive; not high in price
                                   Brought up: raised
                                   Bottled up inside: kept in secret

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