Page 40 - PowerE-L05-D
P. 40

Lesson  10


                                                           Nowadays,   the   divorce   rate   in   Korea   is

                                                 increasing by leaps and bounds. Why is it that more and
                                                 more people are being dissatisfied with their marriage

                                                 life? Could it be that people are getting smarter, or could
                                                 it be that people are getting more realistic about rela-

                                                 tionships? In the past, divorce was unheard of, and it’s
                                                 just been recently that the word divorce was invented

               with a new meaning. People used to lock themselves into the room when faced with

               problems and trash the problem out until it was solved. But nowadays, divorce is like
               an open door, and escape hatch when people could run whenever they have even

               the tiniest problems. For this reason, many people criticize divorce. But for others
               who are trapped in a meaningless and violent relationship, divorce is a pie in the sky,

               a blessing, a time that promises hope for a new life in a new relationship.
               Unpleasant as divorce is,  it  sometimes  is  necessary.  However,  not  only  do  the

               couples who suffer, rather the kids too. No kid would ever want their parents in the
               divorce court’s squeezing each other’s necks out.

               1. What is divorce for people who are trapped in a violent & meaningless
               2. Who are the people who suffer from divorce?


               1. Talk about divorce in Korea. Why do people divorce?
               2. What are the usual reasons?
               3. How do people solve their problems?
               4. If you have such problems in your relationship, would you divorce
                   or stay in that relationship and try to fix it?

                                                Vocabulary & Expressions

                     Bounds: To leap forward or upward; spring.
                     Dissatisfied: to cause to be displeased, esp. by failing to provide
                                           something expected or desired.
                     Criticize: to judge or discuss the merits and faults of
                     Pie in the sky: a state of perfect happiness
                     Escape hatch: a means of avoiding a troublesome situation; a ready
                                              or handy way out.
                     Squeezing each other’s neck out: fierce fighting or disagreement

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