Page 41 - PowerE-L05-D
P. 41


                   Fill in the blank with the correct answer.

                   1.   The army and the bandits are squeezing each other’s _____ out.
                          A. hands                     B. neck                      C. stomach

                   2.   The lady was _____ with the poor service.
                          A. satisfied                 B. dissatisfied              C. contented

                   3.   Being with my loved one is a _____ in the sky
                          A. pie                       B. cake                      C. chocolate

                   4.   It is an easy _____ for your problem.
                          A. escape hatch              B. escape hitch              C. escape batch

                   5.   When I get promoted, my salary would have a great _____.
                          A. pound                     B. hound                     C. bound


                   Tell which part of speech is the underlined word.

                   1.   Nowadays, the divorce rate in Korea is increasing.
                          A. noun                                                   C. adjective
                          B. verb                                                   D. adverb

                   2.   More and more people are being dissatisfied with their married

                          A. article                                                C. conjunction
                          B. preposition                                            D. pronoun

                   3.   People are getting smarter.
                          A. noun                                                   C. adjective
                          B. verb                                                   D. adverb

                   4.   Many people criticize divorce.

                          A. article                                                C. noun
                          B. adjective                                              D. adverb

                   5.   Divorce is a pie in the sky.
                          A. noun                                                   C. adjective
                          B. pronoun                                                D. adverb

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