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18 Now to the nuts and bolts. (but also harvest, which makes us think
Shakespeare didn’t invent this metaphor. of eating our fill and having lots stored
Fall = middle age was a cliché long up for the winter). And then winter is
before he got hold of it. What he does is old age and resentment and death.
use this old metaphor in a new way, 20 Writers know that this is how we
getting so specific and detailed (yellow naturally think about the seasons, and
leaves, branches shivering in the wind, they make use of that. When
missing birds) that it forces us to really Shakespeare asks his beloved, “Shall I
see two things. One is what he’s actually compare thee to a summer’s day?” we
describing: the end of autumn and the know without thinking about it that this
coming of winter. The other is the thing is much more flattering than if he’d
he’s really talking about: standing on the compared her to, say, January eleventh.
edge of old age. The White Witch doesn’t make it eternal
19 For as long as anyone’s been writing, spring in Narnia, does she? The idea is
the seasons have stood for the same set practically funny. She makes it always
of meanings. Maybe it’s written into our winter (and never Christmas) because,
brains that spring has to do with well, she’s evil, and so she hates the
childhood and youth. Summer is very idea of new life, new growth,
adulthood and romance and passion and happiness, and forgiveness. It takes
satisfaction. Autumn is failing health, Aslan to bring all of those things. And,
weakness, and middle age and tiredness of course, the spring.