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misery factor. Rain can make you more 9 Rain can also bring new life and hope.
wretched than anything else you’ll meet This is partly because we associate it with
in the outside world. With a little rain spring. (April showers do in fact bring
and a bit of wind, you can die of May flowers.) But also think of the story
hypothermia on the Fourth of July. And of Noah. Lots of rain, major flood, ark,
there’s also something democratic about cubits, dove, olive branch, rainbow. This
it. Rain falls on everybody. You can be flood is the big eraser. It destroys life on
rich or poor, guilty or innocent, male or Earth but also allows a brand-new start.
female, young or old, powerful or weak, Rain can bring the world back to life.
and it doesn’t matter. Everybody gets wet. 10 So an author can use rain to do just
8 What else can rain do? For one about anything he or she wants. Other
thing, it’s clean. So if you want a kinds of weather, too. Fog is good. It almost
character to be cleansed, let him walk always means some kind of confusion.
through the rain to get somewhere. He Authors use fog to suggest that people
can be quite transformed when he gets can’t see clearly. Charles Dickens starts
there. (He might also have a cold, but out A Christmas Carol with fog filling the
that’s another matter.) He can be less streets of London—a good setting for
angry, less confused, more sorry— Ebenezer Scrooge, who has lost his way
whatever you want. and needs ghostly help to find it again.
democratic Something that is democratic is associate If you associate one idea with another,
available to everyone. you are connecting the two ideas.
transformed Something that is transformed is
changed in a meaningful way.