Page 110 - G6.1_M1-5
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                                            It was a dark and                          5     You may say that every story needs
                                         1                                                a setting and that weather is part of the
                                            stormy night.                                 setting. That is true, by the way, but it

                                                                                          isn’t the whole deal. There’s much more
                                         2      What, you’ve heard that one? Right,       to it. Here’s what I think: weather is
                                            Snoopy. And Charles Schulz had Snoopy         never just weather. It’s never just rain.
                                            write it because it was a cliché. It had      And that goes for snow, sun, warmth,
                                            been one for a very long time back when       cold, and sleet too.
                                            your favorite beagle decided to become a
                                                                                       6     But let’s think about rain for a
                                            writer. Edward Bulwer-Lytton, a famous        moment.
                                            Victorian novelist, actually did begin a
                                                                                       7     Rain can be a plot device; it can
                                            (bad) novel with “It was a dark and           make the characters seek shelter, get
                                            stormy night.” And now you know               stranded or lost or stuck somewhere,

                                            everything you need to know about dark        waiting for it to end. This can be very
                                            and stormy nights. Except for one thing.      handy for an author. Rain can also bring

                                         3      Why?                                      along tons of atmosphere. It’s more
                                         4      You wondered that too, didn’t you?        mysterious, murkier, more isolating than
                                            Why would a writer want the wind              most other weather conditions. (Fog is
                                            howling and the rain pouring down?            good too, of course.) Then there is the

                                              Victorian  If something is Victorian, it is in   atmosphere  Atmosphere is the overall tone or
                                              the romantic style of England’s 19th-century   mood of a place or situation.
                                              Victorian era.

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