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A Hidden City in the Andes
etween C.E. 1100 and 1500 the mighty Inca
civilization flourished high up in the Andes
Bmountains of Peru in South America. In 1532
Spanish adventurers known as conquistadores
(conquerors) invaded the region and ransacked
many Inca cities in search of gold. The Incas
abandoned their other cities, which fell into ruin.
One of these cities was Machu Picchu.
The Professor
2 Hiram Bingham (1875–1956), a history professor at
Yale University, studied South American history for
many years. In 1911, during a visit to Lima, Peru, he
came across an old book that told of the downfall of
the Incas. He was inspired by the description of the
Inca retreat and the ancient mountain cities that they
had abandoned. Bingham decided to try to find the
“ I know of no ancient Inca capital city.
place in the world
[which] can
compare with it.”
Machu Picchu
HISTORY PROFESSOR Hiram Bingham’s discovery of Machu Picchu brought him
worldwide fame. He was the inspiration for the movie
hero Indiana Jones. Possibly the greatest archaeological
site in the Americas, Machu Picchu reveals fascinating
facts about the Inca civilization and encourages many
tourists to visit Peru.
ransacked If someone ransacked a place, he or she damaged it while
looking for something.