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               Learning the                                         Celebrating Culture
               New Language                                       7  When they move to a new country,

             5  Learning new languages is                           many people worry they’ll have to
               never easy, and it can be                            leave their culture behind. But as
               pretty frustrating when                              immigrants all over the world have
               someone needs to know                                discovered, people can carry parts
               how to say, “Where is                                of their culture wherever they go.
               the bus stop?” right now,                            They can continue to cook their
               not four months from                                 favorite foods, sing their favorite
               now. The good news for                               songs, and celebrate their favorite
               young people: scientists                             holidays. They can share their
               say it’s easier for kids to pick up a new            culture with new friends, and those
               language. Also, living in a place where most         new friends will share their culture
               people speak the same language speeds up             as well.
               learning. As they learn, new residents gain
               confidence and develop a voice to express their
               opinions, feelings, and sense of humor in their
               new language.

             6  To get a head start, some people use language
               instruction books, classes, or computer-based
               programs. Good language instruction doesn’t
               force learners to memorize long monologues or
               uncommon words. Instead, it teaches common,
               useful words and phrases that help newcomers
               meet new friends, find their way around, and
               keep themselves safe.

                           Finding New Friends
                           at School

                         8  A new school in a new country might seem intimidating, and kids often
                           worry they won’t fit in. However, many schools are multicultural and include
                           students from all over the world. That means teachers and students are
                           used to welcoming people from other places.

                         9  School is obviously a great place to make new friends! It’s a matter of
                           finding a common interest, whether it’s science, sports, or snapping photos.
                           Being friendly works in pretty much any language, too.

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