Page 213 - SB_G5.2_M6-10_Flip
P. 213

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                  24   Two bedrooms,                              as if I were standing
                       one for my brothers,                       in a monsoon.
                       one for Mother and me.
                                                            28    What I don’t love:
                  25   A washing machine,                         pink sofas, green chairs,
                       because no one here                        plastic cover on a table,
                       will scrub laundry                         stained mattresses,
                       in exchange for                            old clothes,
                       a bowl of rice.                            unmatched dishes.

                  26   The stove spews out                  29    All from friends
                       clean blue flames,                         of our cowboy.
                       unlike the ashy coals
                                                            30    Even at our poorest
                       back home.                                 we always had

                  27   What I love best:                          beautiful furniture
                       the lotus-pod shower,                      and matching dishes.
                       where heavy drops
                                                            31    Mother says be grateful.
                       will massage my scalp.
                                                            32    I’m trying.
                                                                                  August 24

                                                                    grateful  When people are grateful,
                                                                    they are happy and satisfied with
                                                                    what they have.

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