Page 222 - SB_G5.2_M6-10_Flip
P. 222
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124 The boy of coconut-shell skin 128 I have not
is dressed seen them in class.
better than for church, But then, I mostly
a purple bow tie, stare at my shoes.
a white white shirt
129 I will write in my journal
that wouldn’t wrinkle October 14 is
even if he rolled down a hill. Most Relieved Day,
125 His shaved head as I have noted
is so shiny and perfect April 30 was
I want to touch it. Saigon Is Gone Day
and September 2 was
126 He speaks slowly and loudly,
but I don’t mind Longest Day Ever.
because he’s still smiling. 130 Though I was saving
127 He says, Steven. Most Relieved Day
I hear SSsì-Ti-Vân. for Father’s return,
he can have the title:
My Life’s Best Day.
October 14