Page 223 - SB_G5.2_M6-10_Flip
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Respond Inside
to the Text Out
Collaborative Discussion Back
Look back at what you wrote on page 208 and talk with a partner about illustrated by Lisa Fields
by Thanhha Lai
what you learned during reading. Work with a group to discuss the 209
questions below. Support your answers with examples and details from
Inside Out and Back Again. Be sure to follow your classroom’s rules for
good discussion behavior.
1 Review pages 210–213. What do “Our Cowboy” and “American
Address” reveal about the speaker’s feelings? Listening Tip
Listen politely and
look at the person
who is speaking. Wait
until the speaker is
finished before
offering to share your
2 Reread page 215. What does the speaker describe in “The Outside”? ideas.
How will life be different for her family?
Speaking Tip
When you speak, look
at the other members
3 In what ways is Hà different by the end of the selection? In what
of your group. Speak
ways is she the same?
clearly and loudly
enough so that they
can hear you.