Page 229 - SB_G5.2_M6-10_Flip
P. 229
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REVISE AND EDIT Review your draft.
In this step, you have a chance to review and improve your draft. Read your poem
aloud to a partner. Ask for feedback on the language you used and the feelings you
expressed. Use these questions to help you focus on ways to improve your poem.
Does my poem
Does my poem
Did I support my
Did I use sensory
Have I spelled all
tell a story about have a clear ideas with details words and words correctly?
adjusting to a beginning, or examples from figurative
new home? middle, and the texts? language?
Does the poem
Did I use
leave readers
Are the lines concrete words
with a thought- organized into and vivid
provoking stanzas, with a language?
message? new stanza for
each event?
PUBLISH Share your work.
Create a Finished Copy. Use your best cursive handwriting to create a final copy of
your narrative poem. You may want to include illustrations or photos. Consider these
options for sharing your poem:
1 Bind your poem together with those of your classmates in a class poetry
2 Make an audio recording of your poem and create a podcast.
3 Perform a dramatic reading of your poem for your class or a small group.