Page 229 - SB_G5.2_M6-10_Flip
P. 229

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                  REVISE AND EDIT                                                            Review your draft.

               In this step, you have a chance to review and improve your draft. Read your poem

               aloud to a partner. Ask for feedback on the language you used and the feelings you
               expressed. Use these questions to help you focus on ways to improve your poem.

                      PURPOSE/            ORGANIZATION            EVIDENCE              LANGUAGE/            CONVENTIONS
                        FOCUS                                                          VOCABULARY

                 … …Does my poem       … …Does my poem        … …Did I support my   … …Did I use sensory   … …Have I spelled all
                    tell a story about    have a clear           ideas with details    words and             words correctly?
                    adjusting to a        beginning,             or examples from      figurative
                    new home?             middle, and            the texts?            language?
                 … …Does the poem                                                   … …Did I use
                    leave readers      … …Are the lines                                concrete words
                    with a thought-       organized into                               and vivid
                    provoking             stanzas, with a                              language?
                    message?              new stanza for
                                          each event?

                  PUBLISH                                                                     Share your work.

               Create a Finished Copy.  Use your best cursive handwriting to create a final copy of
               your narrative poem. You may want to include illustrations or photos. Consider these

               options for sharing your poem:

                    1  Bind your poem together with those of your classmates in a class poetry

                   2  Make an audio recording of your poem and create a podcast.

                   3  Perform a dramatic reading of your poem for your class or a small group.

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