Page 232 - SB_G5.2_M6-10_Flip
P. 232

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           Big Idea

                                       Words About Mysteries

                                       The words in the chart will help you talk and write about the selections in this module.
                                       Which words about mysteries have you seen before? Which words are new to you?

                                       Add to the Vocabulary Network on page 233 by writing synonyms, antonyms, and
                                       related words and phrases for each word about mysteries.

                                       After you read each selection in this module, come back to the Vocabulary Network

                                       and keep building it. Add more boxes if you need to.

                                             WORD                  MEANING                   CONTEXT SENTENCE

                                         suspense         Suspense is excitement or      The suspense of not knowing
                                         (noun)           anxiety due to an uncertain    what happened made me
                                                          situation.                     feel nervous.

                                         falsify          To falsify is to change a      My brother tried to falsify my
                                         (verb)           statement or document in       parent’s signature on a note
                                                          order to make it untrue.       to his teacher.

                                         factor           A factor is something that     Exercise is one important
                                         (noun)           affects a situation.           factor in staying healthy, and
                                                                                         eating healthy is another.

                                         effect           An effect in a piece of writing   In the mystery movie, the
                                         (noun)           or other art is a deliberately   director used lighting to
                                                          created feeling or impression.   create a spooky effect.

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