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               3  Finally, sixty years after the famous photo    contributing to this behavior: solving
                 appeared, a man named Christian Spurling        mysteries can help us improve our lives.
                 confessed that the picture was indeed fake.     Over the years, curiosity has helped humans
                 He and his stepfather had created the “Loch     do everything from cure deadly diseases to
                 Ness monster” by attaching a fake sea           develop new sources of energy.
                 serpent head and neck to a toy submarine,
                 and the doctor had gone along with their      7  For example, for thousands of years, people
                 scheme. Despite Spurling’s confession,          have puzzled over the mystery of lightning
                 people still come to Loch Ness in search of     and what causes it. Many scientists,
                 “Nessie.” They want to believe the              including Benjamin Franklin and
                 mysterious Loch Ness monster exists—and         Nikola Tesla, have studied it.
                 that they’ll be the ones to prove it!           Much has been learned

                 A Safe Kind of Danger                           about lightning that has
                                                                 had a positive effect on

               4  Mysteries are a classic form of                our lives, including
                 entertainment, too. Countless books, movies,    ways to protect
                 and TV shows have centered on Sherlock          ourselves from it.
                 Holmes, a detective who never met a case he     But scientists still
                 couldn’t solve. Holmes’s adventures let us      haven’t fully solved
                 follow along in a state of mounting suspense    the puzzle.
                 until the great detective cleverly solves the   Big Challenges
                 mystery and catches the criminal.
                                                               8  Scientists could be called
               5  While reading or watching a mystery,           professional mystery solvers.
                 audiences match wits with criminals,            They often tackle mysteries that
                 studying clues and trying to figure out the     consume a lifetime. For example,
                 solution before the story’s detective, police,   anthropologists often try to figure out how
                 or very smart kid next door (who’s not          people lived long ago, studying ancient
                 supposed to be nosing around the case). It’s    buildings, old documents, and artifacts, from
                 a fun game, and mystery fans play it again      weapons to clothing and tools, to uncover
                   and again.                                    the mysteries of ancient life. Learning more
                      Figuring Things Out                        about the past helps us better understand
                                                                 how we got to the present.

                      6  Most people find mysteries like this
                        irresistible, partly because we have    9  Mysteries are all around us, from murky
                        a natural instinct for solving           Scottish lakes to the fiction section of your
                        puzzles and figuring out how             local library. Which mystery will you solve?
                       things work. Here’s one big factor

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