Page 251 - SB_G5.2_M6-10_Flip
P. 251
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57 “Ah, George Miller’s travel adventure from the age of sail.” Mr.
Linden examined the book over the rimless glasses he wore. “Excellent
58 “What are you reading?” Carol asked. “Something about dolphins,
I think.”
59 The old black man looked quickly away. For a long moment the
room was engulfed in silence. In the distance, barely audible, the gentle
lapping of the low tide on the graveled shore came rhythmically.
60 “It’s not a very good book.” His voice was lower than it had been.
“You wouldn’t be interested.”
61 “I am,” she said, resolutely. “I am interested.”
62 “Yes, I hear it in your voice, child. I hear it clearly. But let me tell
you—warn you, even—that there are books like frigates, that carry the
mind gloriously across oceans of ideas,” he said. “And then there are
books—a few books, I would say—that capture more of the mind than
one would want to surrender, books that are better off never read,
never opened.”
63 “That doesn’t make sense!” Carol said.
64 “Sense? No, I suppose it doesn’t,” Mr. Linden said. “But it doesn’t
make sense to reach my age and discover that everything doesn’t make
sense, either.
65 “You can keep that book you’re holding,” he went on. “It’s a fun
book. He made drawings of the ships he encountered and the places he
visited. Words and pictures. You can’t ask for more than that, can you?”
66 Carol felt as if she were being dismissed and was angry with herself
for not being more careful with Mr. Linden. She thought of not taking
the book she held, but finally managed a smile, put on her jacket, and
started home.
engulfed If one thing is engulfed by another, it is surrounded or completely covered by it.
audible If a sound is audible, it is loud enough to hear.