Page 252 - SB_G5.2_M6-10_Flip
P. 252
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67 Josiah Linden died on a bitterly cold winter’s day. His funeral was held
at the Baptist Church on York Street, and more people came than anyone
imagined could have possibly known him. Many were sailors and others
were just townspeople who remembered him from the time when the town
was busier.
68 The house was sold, and the proceeds, according to the old man’s will,
went to a charity for aged seamen. A dealer from Westport made an offer
for the books. Carol told the dealer that she had been a friend of Josiah
Linden’s. “I would love to buy one of his books as a keepsake,” she said.
69 “Well, you’re welcome to take any book you’d like,” he replied. “I always
like to encourage young people to read.”
70 She searched for the book, checking every title and even behind the
rows of books that still stood, waiting as if they expected Mr. Linden to
return and reach a dark hand to take one of them down from the shelves.
When she didn’t find the book, she was very disappointed and for a brief
moment thought of taking another book just as a keepsake, as she
had suggested.
71 But then she thought about the book and her fascination with it. She
had heard that he had died in bed, and she went into the small room in
which he had slept. She looked around quickly and spotted a corner of the
book sticking out from under the pillow.
72 “It’s about dolphins,” she said to the man that now owned Mr. Linden’s
73 The man glanced at the book and nodded approvingly.
74 “You should try National Geographic,” he said. “I think I remember a
series on dolphins.”
75 Carol smiled.
76 At home she put the book under her own pillow and waited until that
night before turning to the page 201, the bookmark still in place.
will A will is a legal document that tells what someone wants done with his or her
belongings after that person dies.
keepsake A keepsake is something you save to remember a person or an event.