Page 245 - BR_5-1
P. 245

Problems with Fossil Fuels

                                          n. a place that can create electricity
             Factories, power plants, and cars that burn fossil fuels
                                           power plants

      send harmful emissions into the air. To improve air quality,
                      harmful emissions

       adj. dangerous or capable of causing damage
                                                                         n. something that is sent into the air, such as smoke
      many countries passed new laws. These laws set limits on

      the amount of emissions that is allowed. Cars have to pass

      emissions tests on a regular basis. Factories and power

                                                                       plants use filters to capture emissions

                                                                       before they go into the air. By

                                                                       reducing the amount of harmful

                                                                       emissions in the air, we can make the
   How would droughts and floods

   affect us?                                                          air cleaner.
   They would affect our water

   supplies and crops.                                                                                                             Unit 8 | Problems with Fossil Fuels
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