Page 53 - News_Speech-People&Entertainment
P. 53

MaIN-study   전화영어 선생님과 함께 뉴스 내용을 이야기해 보세요.

            Get           Answer the questions briefly.
                          Q1  Do you like going to performances? How often do you go?
                          Q2  What do you think is so appealing about musicals?

            TALK          Answer the questions using the hints in Korean.
                          Q  Can you tell me what this article talks about?
                          A  This article talks about 뉴욕에서 무대에 올려진 한국 토종 뮤지컬
                          Q  What is the musical about?
                          A  The musical deals with the biography of Ahn Jung-geun,
                             the independence activist 일본인 총독을 암살한 이유로 처형 당한
                          Q  For what purpose was the musical written?
                          A  It was produced 안중근 서거 100주년을 기념하고자

            TALK          Express your ideas using the mind map in Korean.
                          Q  Do you think it is necessary for us to export more cultural
                             products abroad? Why do you think so?

                                                    문화 상품
                               이유1 천연자원이 한정됨                   이유2 고부가가치 산업임
                                                   수출이 필요

                          A   도입     There are a few reasons we need to export more
                                   cultural products.
                             이유1   First,
                             이유2  Second,
                             마무리  Therefore, I believe

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