Page 49 - News_Speech-People&Entertainment
P. 49
MaIN-study 전화영어 선생님과 함께 뉴스 내용을 이야기해 보세요.
Get Answer the questions briefly.
Q1 Did you watch the 9/11 attack news in 2001?
Q2 What do you think about Osama bin Laden?
TALK Answer the questions using the hints in Korean.
Q Can you tell me what this article talks about?
A This article talks about the life of Osama bin Laden, the al
Qaeda leader 2011년 미국에 의해 암살된
Q Why did he found al Qaeda, the Islamist terrorist organization?
A 부유한 특권층의 가정 환경에도 불구하고, he established al Qaeda to
fight the Soviets who attacked Afghanistan.
Q How did he end his life?
A He 미군에 의해 총을 맞고 죽었다 in a covert operation after hiding
for a long time.
TALK Express your ideas using the mind map in Korean.
Q Do you think violence can ever be justified? Use specific
reasons and examples to support your opinion.
경우1 정당방위 정당화될 수 경우2 타인을 구할 때
A 도입 I think
경우1 First,
경우2 Second,
마무리 Therefore,