Page 74 - News_Speech-People&Entertainment
P. 74

ModeL aNswer   자신의 답이 맞는지 확인해 보세요.

        Short        Q     Could you tell me what this article is about?
        TALK         A     This article is about the release of the biography of Kim

                           Yu-na, the figure skating Olympic gold medalist.
                     Q     What does the biography of Kim Yu-na describe?
                     A     Her biography describes her life from her modest
                           beginnings to her success as a world champion in
                           chronological order.

                     Q     What does the biography mainly focus on?
                     A     It mainly emphasizes her patience and hard work to realize
                           her dream.

        Long         도입  I don’t think sports stars are the proper role models for

        TALK               children, although many children admire them these days.
                     이유1  Most importantly, children need to know that very few people
                           become as successful as these stars. In fact, most players
                           end up living ordinary lives, so children should first learn
                           down-to-earth life lessons from the people around them.
                     이유2  Furthermore, professional sports stars’ main concern is just
                           playing sports for themselves and their teams. So, they’re not
                           responsible for being a role model for children.
                     마무리 People often confuse their favorite stars with their role
                           models. Role models should be people who we want to be
                           like in the future.
                           비록 요즘 많은 아이들이 스포츠 스타를 존경하긴 하지만, 그들이 아이들에게
                           적합한 롤모델은 아니라고 생각합니다.
                           무엇보다도, 이 스타들처럼 성공하는 사람은 극소수라는 것을 아이들이 알아야
                           합니다. 사실 대부분의 선수들은 결국 평범한 삶을 살게 되죠. 따라서 아이들은
                           먼저 주변 사람들로부터 현실적인 인생 교훈을 배워야 합니다.
                           게다가, 프로 스포츠 스타들의 주된 관심사는 자신과 팀을 위해 경기를 하는
                           것뿐입니다. 그러므로 아이들을 위한 롤모델이 되어야 할 책임은 없는 것이죠.
                           사람들은 그들이 좋아하는 스타와 롤모델을 자주 혼동합니다. 롤모델은 우리가
                           미래에 되고 싶어하는 사람들이어야 합니다.

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