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TOPIC 18  신경숙 작가, 세계를 감동시키다
        shin kyung-sook

        story touches the world

        출간되자마자 엄청난 판매고를 올리며 베스트셀러에 등극한 신경숙 작가의 소설 <엄마를 부탁해>가 해외
        독자들의 감성까지 울렸다는 놀라운 소식입니다. 잘 듣고, 어머니라는 존재에 대해 이야기해 보세요.

        Pre-study               Popular writer Shin Kyung-sook took South Korea
                             by storm with her novel Please Look After Mom.
        뉴스 내용을 잘 듣고,
        따라 읽어 보세요.           Surprisingly, the novel had the same success abroad. An
                             English translation of the book debuted at No. 4 on the
        뉴스 듣기
                             New York Times list of bestsellers and has been reprinted
                             eight times already. Other translated versions are set to
                             be published in 19 nations.
                                Set in modern-day Korea, Please Look After Mom is
                             the story of a family looking for their missing mother
                             after coming to grips with her disappearance from
                             a busy train station. While the novel deals with loss
                             and grief, it is also about realizing that no matter how
                             devoted a mother is to her family, she also has a life of
                             her own as a woman.

         감동시키다, 마음을 움직이다
       •debut 처음으로 등장하다
       •reprint 재판을 찍다
       •be set to do ~할 예정이다
       •come[get] to grips with
         (어려움에) 직면하다, 이해하다
       •disappearance 실종, 사라짐
       •loss 상실, 분실
       •grief 슬픔
       •no matter how + 형용사[부사]
         아무리 ~해도
       •devoted 헌신적인
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