Page 86 - News_Speech-People&Entertainment
P. 86
ModeL aNswer 자신의 답이 맞는지 확인해 보세요.
Short Q Could you tell me what this passage discusses?
TALK A This passage discusses celebrities’ enthusiastic activities to
help others.
Q How is Korean singer Lee Hyo-ri supporting animal rights?
A Lee Hyo-ri is voicing her anti-meat and anti-fur opinions,
and she also donated some money to animal charities.
Q What else was mentioned as an example of celebrities’
charitable activities?
A Kim Jang-hoon is well-known for campaigning for Dokdo,
and Angelina Jolie established charities to help people.
Long 도입 I think it’s desirable for celebrities to exercise their influence
TALK to solve social matters.
근거1 Given that the public are really interested in celebrities, it’s
easy for celebrities to bring attention to an issue. When a
celebrity supports a cause, more people will try to find a
solution to the issue.
근거2 Moreover, celebrities usually have a lot of money. They can
donate to charities and other good causes in order to make
a positive change.
마무리 Considering these points, I wish that more celebrities would
get involved in helping others.
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어떤 사안에 대해 관심을 불러일으키는 것은 쉽습니다. 연예인이 어떤 대의를
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