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TOPIC 20  사회 환원에 동참하는 연예인들

        Give back

        사회문제에 관심을 가지고 활동하는 연예인들을 가리켜 ‘소셜테이너’라고 부르는데요. 이런 소셜테이너들의
        사회 참여 활동이 증가하는 추세입니다. 잘 듣고 이에 대한 자신의 생각을 말해 보세요.

        Pre-study               Today many celebrities are using their status to help
                             others. For example, music artist Lee Hyo-ri is a strong
        뉴스 내용을 잘 듣고,
        따라 읽어 보세요.           advocate for animal rights. She has spoken out against
                             eating meat and wearing fur. She also donated the profits
        뉴스 듣기
                             of her book to an organization that helps animals.
                                Other celebrities are also doing their part. Another
                             music artist, Kim Jang-hoon, has been active in the
                             campaign to promote Dokdo Island as Korea’s land.
                             In addition, he has made generous financial donations
                             to various groups. Actress Angelina Jolie has founded
                             several charitable organizations that serve a variety of
                             functions, such as promoting environmental conservation,
                             providing legal aid, and funding education programs.

       •give back 되돌려주다
       •status 지위, 신분
       •advocate 옹호자, 지지자
       •speak out against
         ~에 대해 반대의 뜻을 밝히다
       •do one’s part
         자기 본분을 다하다
       •promote 홍보하다
       •make a financial donation
         금전적인 기부를 하다
       •generous 후한, 관대한
       •found 설립하다
       •charitable organization
       •fund 자금을 제공하다
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