Page 84 - PowerE-L02-A
P. 84


               Lesson 1                                              2. A.
               	 Vocabulary					p.3                                  3. TRUE
                    1. A. (Obey means to follow what is being told.)       4. C.
                    2. B. (Behave- to act properly)                  5. A.
                    3. A. (Sibling is another word for brother or sister)
                    4. A. (Kind means being good)               Lesson 4
                    5. B. (Chores are everyday work at the house or at the farm)  	 Vocabulary					p.15
                                                                     1. SPRING
                 Grammar					p.3                                     2. FLOWERS
                    1. B. (The subject must agree with the verb in the sentence. The noun, ‘parents’ is         3. BLOOM
                        plural in form so use the correct linking verb for plural nouns, which is ‘are’.)       4. YARD
                    2. C. (Use the quantifier ‘many’ when referring to plural or countable nouns.         5. BLOSSOM
                        The noun, ‘people’ can be counted. We use much for singular or non-countable
                        nouns. example: Do you still have much juice left?)  	 Grammar					p.15
                    3. B. (Use an ordinal to describe one’s position is a sequence. The ordinal,           1. B. singing  (The sentence implies  the future progressive tense, “will start singing”)
                        ‘third’ in the sentence would mean that the person is the third child in the family.)     2. A. are (The verb should agree with the number of the subject.)
                    4. B. (We use a possessive pronoun when talking about ownership. The pronoun,        3. B. to have (Use the base form of a verb when forming the infinitive.)
                        ‘her’ is a possessive pronoun that describes who owns the house. The        4. C. these (Use a plural demonstrative pronoun for a plural antecedent)
                        antecedent {my sister} is a female so the correct possessive pronoun is ‘her’,       5. B. blue  (Use an adjective to describe the subject in the sentence)
                        not ‘his’.)
                    5. B. (We use the plural form of a noun because it is being described by the
                        quantifier ‘many’. The plural form of grandchild is grandchildren.)    Exercises					p.16
                                                                     1. A.
                                                                     2. C.
                 Exercises					p.4                                   3. A.
                    1. No, I live by myself.                         4. A.
                    2. I just have one sister.                       5. A.
                    3. B. (A big family means having many members.)
                    4. A. (being the only child means having no brothers or sisters)
                    5. A. (retirement from work means that one is no longer working)  	 Reading	Comprehension					p.17
                                                                     1. B.
                                                                     2. C.
               	 Reading	Comprehension					p.5                       3. A.
                    1. A.                                            4. A.
                    2. D.                                            5. B.
                    3. A.
                    4. A. (8 =grandfather, grandmother, mom, dad, 1 brother, 2 sisters, thea narrator)  Lesson 5
                    5. B.
                                                                  Vocabulary					p.19
               Lesson 2                                                1. A. traffic jam (Traffic jam is when cars get stuck in traffic during rush hours.)
                                                                   2. D. subway (Taking the subway is faster because it does not pass by roads
               	 Vocabulary					p.7                                      having traffic.)
                    1. A. (a plan refers to an idea that would still be done)       3. A. bus fare (Bus fare is the fee we pay for taking a ride in the bus.)
                    2. C. (Weekend refers to the end of the week)       4. A. fix (Fix or repair a flat tire to be able to get back on the road.)
                    3. A. (Retire means to stop working or be inactive in service)       5. A. transfer (To move to another bus also means to transfer)
                    4. A. (Vacation is the time for rest.)
                    5. A. (To get married means to be husband and wife.)
                                                                	 Grammar					p.19
                                                                     1. B. much (Quantify money with ‘much’.)
               	 Grammar					p.7                                     2. B. took (The action took place earlier, so it should be past tense.)
                    1. wrong word: go/  correct: going  (Use the present progressive tense of the verb)       3. A. driver (The correct word form is a noun referring to a person.)
                    2. wrong word: plan/ correct: plan  (Use a plural form of a verb when using the        4. B. get off (Use the base form of the verb to form the infinitive, “to get off’)
                        pronoun, “I”)                                5. B. hardly (An adverb is needed here to describe the action.)
                    3. wrong word: in/ correct: to (Use the preposition, “to” because the action
                        suggests movement toward another place)
                    4. wrong word: studies/ correct: study (Use the base form of a verb when forming   	 Exercises					p.20
                                                                   1. I take the bus every morning.

                        an infinitive.)                              2. It takes me an hour going to the office by bus.
                    5. wrong word: Her/ correct: She (Use “she” when using this personal pronoun as         3. a. I take the bus instead of using my car on my way to the office.
                        a subject in the sentence.)
                                                                     4. b. You are on the wrong bus.
                                                                     5. b. Yes, I feel comfortable while seating inside the bus.
                 Exercises					p.8
                    1. A.
                    2. B.                                       	 Reading	Comprehension					p.21
                    3. C.                                              1. A. the passenger
                                                                   2. A. the right stop
                    4. B.                                            3. A. two stops from where he got off
                    5. A.                                            4. A. to the library
                                                                     5. A. more than ten
               	 Reading	Comprehension					p.9
                    1. B.
                    2. A.                                       Lesson 6
                    3. A.                                       	 Vocabulary					p.23
                    4. A.                                            1. A. become better (Improve means to do better.)
                    5. B.                                            2. A. writings (Literature refers to writings of a certain language.)
                                                                     3. A. learning centers (Institute means a certain place devoted to the instruction
               Lesson 3                                                  of certain subjects.)
               	 Vocabulary					p.11                                 4. B. college degree (Major refers to the field of study a student chooses to focus
                    1. A. party (A party is a celebration or a special day.)           on in college.)
                    2. B. presents (A present is a gift.)            5. A. smooth-spoken (Fluent means to speaking or writing with ease.)
                    3. B. older (People get a year older every year.)
                    4. B. cake (A cake is a sweet bread that is usually baked.])  	 Grammar					p.23
                    5. A. celebrate (We celebrate or remember a special day for someone.)       1. B. taking (Use the present participle to form the present progressive tense of a
               	 Grammar					p.11                                      2. A. to (The action verb, ‘go’ usually comes with the preposition, “to”. {go to})
                                                                   3. A. an (Use the article, ‘an’ for nouns having vowel sounds.)
                    1. A. greeted (Use the past tense. The action was already done that morning.)
                    2. C. bought (A transitive verb in the past tense in needed here.)       4. B. we (Use the first person pronoun when using a pronoun as a subject.)
                    3. B. candles (Use the plural form of the noun because it is modified by the       5. B. started (The action already took place.)
                        adjective, ‘five’.)
                    4. A. like (Use the plural form of a verb when using personal pronoun in the first   	 Exercises					p.24
                        person.)                                     1. It is an international language.
                    5. C. of (Use the preposition to indicate substance or content)       2. Yes, I can speak in English clearly.
                                                                     3. A. Have you watched the film, “English Patient?”
               	 Exercises					p.12                                  4. A. I speak in English when talking to my friends from other countries.
                    1. C. My birthday is on May 8.                   5. B. Yes, I think watching English movies can help me understand  English better.
                    2. A. I usually celebrate my birthday at home.
                    3. B. My friends celebrate my birthday with me.    Reading	Comprehension					p.25
                    4. A. I usually serve pasta and pizza for my birthday.       1. C.
                    5. A. The party will start at 7 o’clock in the evening.       2. A.
                                                                     3. B.
               	 Reading	Comprehension					p.13                        4. A.
                                                                   5. A.
                    1. C. .
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