Page 85 - PowerE-L02-A
P. 85
Lesson 7 Lesson 10
Vocabulary p.27 Vocabulary p.39
1. EXAMINATION 1. A. good (Pleasant means something nice or pleasing.)
2. THINK 2. B. excited (Thrilling means something that excites the emotions.)
3. CONCENTRATE 3. A. joking persOn (Clowns are funny people who do tricks and shows.)
4. FAILING 4. A. stage shows (A performance is a show done on stage.)
5. LIBRARY 5. A. unforgettable (Memorable means not easily forgotten.)
Grammar p.27 Grammar p.39
1. A. your (A possessive pronoun is needed here.) 1. B. located (A past participle is needed here to form the passive voice of the verb.)
2. B. studying (Use the present participle to form the present progressive tense) 2. C. me (A first person personal pronoun is needed here as an indirect object.)
3. C. pass (Use the base form of a verb when using the auxiliary, ‘did’ {did not 3. C. ate (The simple past tense of a verb is needed for an action that took place.)
pass}) 4. B. riding (A gerund is needed in the adverbial phrase.)
4. A. answer (You need a noun as an object, not a verb.) 5. A. to (The action shows movement towards another place, so use “to”.)
5. A. She (Use the first person pronoun as a subject.)
Exercises p.40
Exercises p.28 1. A. What other amusement parks in the world do you know?
1. BOOKS 2. B. Goofy dog is my favorite Disney character.
2. TEACHER 3. A. Yes, visiting an amusement park can be very expensive.
3. PEN 4. B. Yes, there are other theme parks such as Seoul land and Dreamland.
4. COPY 5. A. No, I do not often visit an amusement park; I prefer traveling to other places.
Reading Comprehension p.41
Reading Comprehension p.29 1. B.
1. C. 2. A.
2. B. 3. C.
3. A. 4. B.
4. B. 5. A.
Lesson 11
Vocabulary p.43
Lesson 8 1. HOBBY
Vocabulary p.31 2. BOOKWORM
1. A. observing (Celebrating is also commemorating or observing the occasion.) 3. SPARE
2. B. theme parks (Amusement park is a large place equipped with recreational 4. CREATIVE
devices.) 5. SWEATERS
3. B. informational (Educational means giving people important information.
4. A. outdoor meal (A picnic is an outing in which participants carry food with them to Grammar p.43
share a meal in open air.) 1. C. to relaX (Use the base form of the verb when forming the infinitive.)
5. C. entertaining (Interesting means something that gets one’s attention.) 2. A. collection (A transitive verb has a noun as its object.)
3. B. likes (A single noun agrees with a single verb.)
Grammar p.31 4. A. in (Use the preposition, ‘in’ to indicate the specific field in relation o
1. A. went, an (The action took place in the past. The noun has a vowel sound] the action.)
2. B. filled, with (Use the past tense of action verb. Use the plural form of ‘child’ 5. B. a book (Use a singular form of a noun when using the indefinite article.)
because it is modified by ‘many.)
3. C. happier (Use a comparative adjective.) Exercises p.44
4. C. these (Use a demonstrative pronoun referring to the beans.) 1. Writing poems is my hobby.
5. C. at (Use the preposition, ‘at’ to refer to a particular place.) 2. I stay home to take a rest.
3. I read some books during my free time.
Exercises p.32 4. I spend Friday nights with friends.
1. BALLOON 5. Yes, I have a library at home.
3. CLOWNS Reading Comprehension p.45
4. ICE CREAM 1. A.
5. FUN 2. B.
3. B.
Reading Comprehension p.33 4. C.
1. B. May 5th 5. A.
2. C. have a picnic
3. A. kim-bap Lesson 12
4. C. happy
5. A. Yes, they do. Vocabulary p.47
1. A. quiet and self-conscious (Shy means easily frightened, timid)
2. A. warm-hearted (Friendly means showing kindly interest and goodwill.)
Lesson 9 3. B. being positive (Optimism is thinking that things will go well.)
Vocabulary p.35 4. C. A & B (Conservative means believing in the old ways.)
1. A. loves eating food from plants (A vegetarian practices a diet of fruits and 5. A. hot headed (Hot-tempered means easily gets mad.)
2. B. oily (Greasy means oily in appearance.) Grammar p.47
3. A. choosy (Picky means to be choosy or meticulous.) 1. B. personality (The correct word form is a noun.)
4. A. the energy value in food 2. C. judge (An action verb is needed to complete the verb phrase.)
5. B. specific [ Particular means specific or certain.) 3. A. are, during (Use a linking verb that agrees with a plural subject. Use the right
preposition for the present tense.)
Grammar p.35 4. B. but (Use the conjunction, ‘but’ to connect the contrasting clause.)
1. B. most important (Use ‘most in the superlative form of an adjective.) 5. C. them (Use the third person pronoun as an object in the sentence.)
2. C. Would (Use the auxiliary, ‘would’ when offering something.)
3. B. eating (Use a gerund as an object in a sentence.) Exercises p.48
4. B. my (A possessive pronoun is needed to show ownership of the food.) 1. B. optimistic also means being hopeful
5. B. inches (Use the plural form of ‘inches’, which is modified by four.) 2. A. old-fashioned means opposed to modern trends
3. A. weak points can be also called weaknesses
Exercises p.36 4. B. perfect also means ideal
1. I love eating leafy vegetables. 5. A. a sensitive friend is someone understanding and considerate
2. Yes, I do not like to eat catfish.
3. A. I am fussy about food. Reading Comprehension p.49
4. A. Do you have a supper early or late in the evening? 1. A
5. B. Yes, I like sweets, but I do not eat them everyday. 2. C
3. A
Reading Comprehension p.37 4. B
1. TRUE 5. C