Page 86 - PowerE-L02-A
P. 86
Lesson 13 Lesson 16
Vocabulary p.51 Vocabulary p.63
1. A. looks (how you appear outside) 1. B. be thankful
2. C. thin (skinny means to be very thin) 2. A. event
3. B. whitish in color (pale means not too bright or intense) 3. B. appear (attend- be present at an event)
4. B. being neat and tidy (Grooming is cleaning and maintaining the appearance) 4. A. throw a party
5. C. A & B (Figure refers to one’s shape and form) 5. A. visitors (guests- people who will attend a party)
Grammar p.51 Grammar p.63
1. C. tallest (Use the superlative form of the adjective.) 1. C. am (Use ‘am’ for the personal pronoun “I”)
2. B. should (Use should when stating something that need to be done.) 2. C. for (Use ‘for when referring to the reason.)
3. B. in (The action suggests wearing the suit, so use “in”.) 3. C. invitation (Use the right word to describe ‘cards’.)
4. A. who (Use the correct relative pronoun referring to a person.) 4. C. when (Use the relative pronoun that refer to time.)
5. C. will (Use will for a conditional statement that would probably happen.) 5. A. cannot (This auxiliary verb is spelled as one word.)
Exercises p.52 Exercises p.64
1. A. 1. B.
2. A. 2. A.
3. A. 3. B.
4. B. 4. A.
5. A. 5. B.
Reading Comprehension p.53 Reading Comprehension p.65
1. A. 1. B.
2. A. 2. A.
3. C. 3. B.
4. A. 4. A.
5. B. 5. A.
Lesson 17
Lesson 14 Vocabulary p.67
Vocabulary p.55 1. A. proposed (to offer marriage)
1. A. hairdo (Hairstyle means the way the hair is fixed.) 2. B. engaged (the period before getting married)
2. B. cut (Trim means to remove by cutting.) 3. A. wedding (the day when the couple gets married)
3. A. shorter hair on the forehead 4. B. wonderful (joyful, or happy)
4. B. hairstylist [Beautician is someone working at a salon.) 5. A. wise (to think correctly)
5. A. the skin that covers the head
Grammar p.67
Grammar p.55 1. C. about (Use ‘about’’ to refer to the person related to the action.)
1. B. have (Use base form of verbs when forming the infinitive) 2. B. Are (Use the plural verb for personal nouns such as ‘you’.)
2. B. trimmed (Use the past participle to form the phrase that describes the hair) 3. C. your (Use the possessive pronoun)
3. B. neat (Use an adjective to describe the looks.) 4. B. neighbors (Use a noun for the object in the sentence.)
4. C. curly ( Use an adjective to describe the hair.) 5. C. greatest (Use the superlative form of the adjective.)
5. A. younger (Use a comparative adjective to compare the new look with the new
hairdo) Exercises p.68
1. A.
Exercises p.56 2. A.
1. B. 3. A.
2. C. 4. A.
3. A. 5. A.
4. B.
5. B. Reading Comprehension p.69
1. B.
Reading Comprehension p.57 2. A.
1. A. 3. A.
2. A. 4. A.
3. B. 5. A.
4. A
5. A.
Lesson 18
Vocabulary p.71
1. A. allergy (an abnormal reaction to certain substances)
Lesson 15 2. B. sneeze (a sudden expiration of breath from the nose)
Vocabulary p.59 3. B. inhale (to breathe in)
4. B. rashes (reddish eruption on the body)
1. C. A & B (An appointment is an arrangement for a meeting.) 5. A. resistance (shield or protection)
2. A. delayed (To postpone means to delay.)
3. C. A & B (Schedule refers to a plan with certain time, date and activities)
4. A. open to Grammar p.71
5. B. a diary (a notebook for important appointments) 1. A. allergic [(an adjective is needed as a complement)
2. B. taking (a gerund to form the adverbial phrase)
3. B. you’re (a subject and linking verb is needed here {you are})
Grammar p.59 4. B. people (subject should agree with verb and modifier before it.)
1. A. being, an (Use a “being” as a gerund {Being late}. Use ‘an’ for nouns having 5. B. have (subject should agree with its verb)
vowel sounds.)
2. B. to call (Use an infinitive to state something that you plan to do.)
3. B. with (Use the preposition, ‘with’ to show with whom the appointment Exercises p.72
would be.) 1. A.
4. C. miss (Use the present tense of the verb for an action that would still take 2. A.
place.) 3. C.
5. A. earlier (Use the correct adverb that describes the action in the sentence.) 4. A.
5. B.
Exercises p.60
1. B. Reading Comprehension p.73
2. B. 1. TRUE
3. A. 2. FALSE
4. A. 3. TRUE
5. A. 4. FALSE
Reading Comprehension p.61
1. B.
2. A
3. B.
4. A.
5. A.