Page 10 - TalesoftheParadiseRidge-Fall2020_Neat
P. 10

surprise, they verified that they already knew their com-
                                                             mon ancestor, and that it was not a Harness ancestor.
                                                             Now we had a new triangulation! (See Figure 2.)

                                                                              DNA Triangulations

                                                             In DNA matching, matches known as triangulations are
                                                             particularly valuable. This is how they work: we all have
                                                             23 chromosomes. The 23rd is the XX or XY chromosome.
                                                             Of the other 22, each has two strands, one that we inherit
                                                             from our fathers and one from our mothers. DNA match-
                                                             ing is about matching portions of these strands, known
                                                             as SNPs—we’ll call a collection of SNPs a segment for
                                                             purposes of this article.

                                                             When three or more people match a segment of the
                                                             same strand of the same chromosome, these individals
                                                             are guaranteed a common ancestor. Just as one can tri-
                                                             angulate a geographic position by gauging the distance
                                                             between two known points and the distance of those two
                                                             points from one another, DNA triangulations can help
                                                             pinpoint position in a family tree. Basically, it can help the
                                                             third individual locate which branch of their tree contains
                                                             the match.

                                                             Beth and I shared a known common Harness ancestor, but
                                                             Beth also matched Bill, and the ancestors she shared with
                                                             him were not known to me. These ancestors were Arent
                                                             Bradt b. 1618 and Catherine De Vos b. 1628, and they were
                                                             Norwegian and Dutch. The triangulation I had with Beth
                                                             and Bill guaranteed that I was also somehow related to
                                                             Arent Bradt and Catherine DeVos, though it was still pos-
        William Ware, youngest son of John Ware, and his wife Mary (Libby),  sible it was not through the Ware line.
                            Paradise 1883.
        matched another individual, a Canadian named Bill, who   How could Bea Ellis be related to the Bradts? My initial
        was descended from a couple of hundred years of Cana-  thought was still that the Bradts must somehow be related
        dians. The Harness line history showed it never ventured   to the Harnesses, who were also Dutch. Yet the Harnesses
        so far north, and Bill’s ex-wife, Bonnie, who managed his   had come to Virginia and gone west and south from
        DNA results for their child, verified that Bill’s family had   there. The Bradts came to New York and mostly stayed
        no links to southern states.                         in the Schenectady area, with a few descendants going to
                                                             Canada. There was no evidence they went as far south as
        How on earth then could Bill be related to the Harness   Virginia, and after months of research I could find no hint
        line?  I had to face the possibility that Beth and I were   that the Bradt and Harness lines were related, at least not
        doubly related, that we had another common ancestor.  in the past 300 years.

        I emailed my thoughts to Beth and Bonnie, and, to my              Trying to Solve the Mystery

        Figure 2: The mystery triangulation of Bea, Beth, and Bill.  Still stumped on John and Hannah and seeing no obvious

               Arent Bradt                                   Bradt connection to my own tree, I decided to research
                                            Bea Ellis ?      the Bradts, going forward from Arent and Catherine. My
                                                             theory was that since the Bradt history was fairly well
                                 Many      Beth Harness      documented (many records were held by the Reformed
                              Generations                    Dutch Church), I might possibly be able to follow their
                                                             descendants and find a link somewhere in my tree. The
             Catherine DeVos                   Bill          Bradts had many children, who also had many children,
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