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Volume 61

        Published by the Gold Nugget Museum and Living History Center                              Number 1
                                                                                                   Fall 2020

        Table of Contents                                                              Tales of the Paradise Ridge is a
                                                                                       benefit of membership in the
        The Miocene Canal Revisited................................2                   Gold Nugget Museum and
                                                                                       Living History Center.
        Chris Hoffman
        John Ware, Origins Uncovered................................7

        Sandra Ellis

        The Paths of Sam Dresser.........................................12

        Sam Dresser
        Paradise High School All-Class Reunion 9/28/2019....21

        Lois Kidder
        Visit to the Johnstown Flood Museum.......................23

        Rod Hass
        Happy 40th Birthday Town of Paradise....................25

        Dennis Ivey

        Changes at Paradise High School...............................27
        Greg Schofield

        Memories and Musing from the Museum Operations                                 Editor: Kathy Schovajsa
        Director.............................................................28        Production: Bruce Murray
                                                                                       Printing: Digital Print & Design
        Michelle Rader
        Governor George Perkins Leaves His Mark in                                     All material copyrighted. This book
                                                                                       or any portion thereof may not be
        Paradise......................................................30               reproduced without the written
                                                                                       permission of the Executive Director
        Bill Hartley                                                                   of the Paradise Gold Nugget Museum.
        Police Blotter - Students Plan School Massacre.....32                          The Gold Nugget Museum and History
                                                                                       Center welcomes contributions to this
        Bill Hartley                                                                   magazine. Please mail to P.O. Box 949,
        Pages from the Ash...................................................33        Paradise CA 95967, with your name,
                                                                                       address and phone number, or email to
        Don Clark                                                            
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