Page 15 - SA Chamber UK - September Newsletter- eBook
P. 15

Ecosystem Support

            These two elements on the B-BBEE scorecard help to create significant transformation
            momentum for both formal and informal sector individuals and SMEs. They help to lay
            the platform for the transfer of skills, and to create opportunity for individuals and SMEs
            to enter the economy and contribute towards South Africa’s growth, advancement, and

            economic recovery. The B-BBEE Act, and in particular the procurement and socio-economic
            development elements, create significant means for SMEs to receive support and funding.

            There is a need for ecosystem support to help SMEs draw in essential knowledge, gain
            business process understanding, and ensure adequate integrated reporting systems and
            policies that maintain their ongoing high-quality reporting and service delivery, to support
            the enterprise’s growth and long-term sustainability. In South Africa, there is little difference

            in reporting responsibility of a large organisation and that of a small enterprise. Failing which,
            they set themselves up to face the wrath from
            authorities for their transgressions.

            Good Corporate Citizens
            Larger organisations too demand compliance

            adherence  in  their  engagement  with  SMEs.
            Their own B-BBEE scorecard requires that they
            engage with properly constituted enterprises,
            that meet legislative requirements as stated

            in the Company’s Act and are regarded as
            good corporate citizens.

            If  an  engaged  enterprise  for  example  does
            not  have  a  B-BBEE  scorecard  or  affidavit,
            then  the engaging  organisation  will not be
            able to allocate B-BBEE points on their own
            scorecard. There are also other areas of strict

            compliance, where joint and several liability is
            apportioned to both the company and service
            supplier where compliance is not evident.

            Enterprise  and  supplier  development,  a
            subsection  of  the  procurement  element  on

            the B-BBEE scorecard, when used effectively,
            provides support and opportunity for larger
            organisations  to  generate  the  confidence
            they need when engaging with SMEs.

                                                      SA CHAMBER UK NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER 2023
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