Page 16 - SA Chamber UK - September Newsletter- eBook
P. 16

A Professional Approach

            BusinessFit SA’s approach through its 5 Stage Quality Assurance Process, and Corrective
            Action/Sustainability Report is gaining popularity as a professional approach to ensuring

            enterprise and supplier development initiatives result in the desired outcome of more

            competent and capable entrepreneurs and business leaders. The approach assists in
            ensuring enterprises have robust functional frameworks.

            These include:

               § Clearly structured and implemented business strategies

               § Defined measurements and outcome intentions

               § Engaged  staff  members  who  understand  the  needs  of  the  business,  and  how  they
              personally contribute towards the enterprise’s success and sustainability

               § High quality assurance and quality controls in their enterprise’s production and

              service delivery

            The Success Formula

            Business mentoring companies like BusinessFit, are working closely with large
            organisations and their suppliers to help create ongoing successful and sustainable

            supplier relationships – to result in the growth and development of the South African
            SME sector and overall economy.

            The  success  formula  being  the  combination  of  public  sector  transformation  policy,

            The  success  formula  being  the  combination  of  public  sector  transformation  policy,
            private sector commitment and engagement through large organisations, business

            mentoring companies, and SME leaders, wishing to be given an opportunity to bring
            their innovations, passions, and excellence into the formal and informal sectors of the

            South African economy.

            - By David White, CEO, DRG Group

                                                   T: +27 (0)31 767 0625



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